Angel of the Roses

Angel of the Roses

The Story of "The Angel of the Roses"
by Amy R. Stein

In 1999, I created "The Angel of the Roses," inspired by my original watercolor painting, The Angel. I enfolded this new angel with roses as if emerging from a secret and protected garden. This beautiful garden of roses, a kind of paradise, is filled with flowers and creative growth. I put flowers in her hair to honor her. I wondered about the image I had just painted and the meaning of the multi-colored roses. It then became clear to me that in many religious traditions and cultures angels exist. They are considered to be god's messengers on earth, carrying out his divine will. Angels are guardians, protectors, and intercessors showering us with blessings. In the Jewish tradition, Jacob had a vision or dream where he saw a ladder a stairway thronged with people in shining robes that he knew were angels. He felt not alone.

Our lives are a creative journey inspired by many unseen factors. In "The Angel of the Roses" one can see the two distinct sides of her face that are apparently unrelated, but somehow integrated. A light side that is smiling, and a dark side that has an expression of intense sadness and tragedy. The woman unflinchingly confronts the viewer but with compassion and love.
The image of the rose is a powerful, universal symbol in many traditions and cultures. In India, the "Cosmic Rose" is used as a comparison with the Divine Mother's beauty. It denotes the attainment of perfection. The "Mystic Rose" is associated with the litanies of the Blessed Virgin. The rose is an image of the soul. In beauty, shape and scent, the rose is outstanding. For Muslin mystics, the rose garden is a garden of contemplation. The flower and its color are primary symbols of rebirth and initiation into the mysteries.

One of the mysteries is a powerful story that originated in Tepeyac Mexico of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Juan Diego, a humble Aztec Indian, who had recently converted to Christianity was journeying in the hills in the middle of winter. On Tepeyac hill, he was presented with a vision of the Virgin Mother who requested that he visit with the archbishop and request that a church be built at that site. She appeared to him as an Indian princess with brown skin, with whom he could immediately identify. When the archbishop did not believe Juan Diego's vision, he returned to ask for her help in convincing him of the validity of this vision. When he returned to the archbishop, he opened his "tilma" (tunic) and beautiful roses of all colors tumbled out onto the floor. Imprinted on his tilma was the image of the Virgin. The incredulous archbishop then built the church as requested.

Roses are a symbol of love, miracles and more strongly still, of the offerings made by a love which is pure. It is attributed to the Virgin Mother that her presence is sometimes accompanied by the scent of roses. "The Angel of the Roses" manifests two aspects of expression. The rose as well, along with its beauty, is equipped with thorns suggesting the duality of life.
If the "Angel" could speak I believe she would say, "I shower you with flowers, light, love and life." She is a loving, comforting presence.

Dimensions: 22" x 30"

Contact artist for ordering


phone: 505-577-6827


The price of the 22 x 30 print is $95.00 signed plus $25 shipping/handling.

The price of the 11 x 17 print is $75 signed plus $25 shipping/handling.

Amy will be glad to personalize this print to you or to a friend.
