Breaking Bad - KOAT Channel 7 TV News with Amy Stein
Title: "Taos Desert Spring"
personally signed print
$95 plus $25 shipping
size 24" x 27"
Contact artist for ordering
email: astein983@aol.com
phone: 505-577-6827
Title: "Vibrant Santa Fe"
personally signed print
$95 plus $25 shipping
size: 19"X 25"
In collaboration with the
Santa Fe 400th Anniversary Inc.
Contact artist for ordering
email: astein983@aol.com
phone: 505-577-6827
Title: "Mystic Moment"
Personally signed print
Size 20" x 26"
$95 plus $25 shipping
Contact artist for ordering
email: astein983@aol.com
phone: 505-577-6827
Artist's Profile
AMY STEIN, an award-winning Santa Fe artist, well-known for her beautiful prints of the southwest, has been profiled in the nationally published American Artist magazine. She has conducted self-imagery workshops "Healing the Self Through Self- Portraits" for the California-based American Institute of Medical Education, the Institute for Integral Development in Colorado Springs and the Santa Fe public schools. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the City University of New York and is a licensed New Mexico art teacher. Ms. Stein has been an Artist-in-Residence in New Mexico and accepts artistic portraits commissions.

Contact Information
Postal address
501 Rio Grande Ave, G-3
Santa Fe NM 87501
Electronic mail
Copyright © 2002 - 2023, Amy Stein Art. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 7, 2023